Just like us, our maids may go through emergencies also. We have compiled some of the most common emergencies they might go through and we have listed what you can do as employers to mitigate the situation.

Sick - bring your sick maids to the nearest Barangay health center for a check up if not the emergency room for urgent ailments. If their illness does not require immediate attention, let them rest first for further observation or try telephone medical consultation and inform your maid agency if you got your maid from an agency.
Since there is a pandemic, if your helper is showing symptoms for COVID-19, it is best to isolate them first in their quarters and have them get a COVID-19 PCR Test to make sure that they are not infected. If they are infected, it is best to report this to your local government unit so they could help deal with the situation. If your maid came from a maid agency, you can ask them for assistance for these matters.
Needs to take a leave of absence because of personal reasons - identify if the reason may prevent them for returning, e.g. no one will take care of their children, an immediate family died, etc. If this is the case, make sure to check their belongings before letting them go and report this to your maid agency if you got them there and see if you can get a replacement.
If they will be returning, it is best to shoulder their return trip to make sure that they can come back.
Voluntary resignation - inform your Barangay and report to your maid agency if you got them there and check if you can avail of replacements if not refund. Make sure to check their belongings before letting them go.
Ran away - report to your Barangay or Police station and your maid agency, and check your belongings right away.
If you have lost personal belongings, make sure to include this in your report to local authorities for proper documentation.
Committed crimes such as theft or assault - report the incident to your Barangay or Police station and your maid agency right away.
If you find yourselves in an unusual emergency with regard to your maid, it is always best to inform local authorities like the Barangay or Police, village or condo security, and if you got your maid from a maid agency, call your maid agency right away.
All of these scenarios and even other scenarios not stated here can be managed. Don't panic. Take control of the situation because you always have a choice. Having a list of local authorities like your Barangay, the nearest Police station, the Fire Station, the nearest health center or hospital, and your local maid agency on hand can help you manage any situation.
"Public safety and emergency preparedness is essential." - Cindy Hyde-Smith
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