Everyone is moving this start of the year, post pandemic, and that includes our beloved maids and yayas. If you are an employer looking for help this start of 2022, we will share with you what maids are looking for in their employers!
For reference, we surveyed, more or less, 150 of our maid applicants and asked them what they they look for in their employers. The results seems to reflect the issues our maids had with their previous employment so this is what they want to address now, moving forward.
Sharing this to our employers so they can hire easily since now, they have credible information on what maids or yayas generally want from their employers.
At the bottom of our list but still worth mentioning since each had 1.3% of votes, are the following:
UNDERSTANDING employers, more on this at https://www.housemaids.ph/post/3-things-you-shouldn-t-sweat-about-around-your-maids,
Maids having their OWN ROOM, do you agree on this? Please comment down below!
Employers who DON'T CURSE, and
Being the ONLY MAID in the household.
From this, we can see that maids value their PRIVACY and employers who have EMPATHY.
The next, who garnered 2.7% of votes, is an Employer who has CONCERN aka "malasakit" for their maids. In our experience, maids that feel valued tend to stay longer and work better for their employers.
A RESPECTFUL employer got 4.7% of votes - Having a maid truly is a give and take relationship.
To be treated as FAMILY has 6% of votes. Which begs the question, who doesn't want to be treated this way? Love is in the air and let's treat our beloved maids and yayas the same for being a part of our family! Happy Valentine's!
A GENEROUS employer got 7.3% of votes. Mind you, this does not only pertain to money. Employers may also be generous when it comes to day-offs, food, gifts, and the like.
The TOP 3 votes are the following:
With a vote of 12%, having DAY-OFFs is the THIRD on our list. With the pandemic almost non-existent except for in the news, it is about time that employers make it up to their hardworking helpers at home. Having day-offs and additional leaves is a generous way to give back and show them our appreciation. Learn more by reading our blog on this at https://www.housemaids.ph/post/best-day-for-your-maid-s-day-off.
With a vote of 30%, an employer who is KIND or "mabait" is the SECOND most sought after by our Kasambahays. In general, this encompasses almost everything in this list that our interviewees voted for. Our maids just want to be treated with kindness and love.
Finally, with a vote of 32.7%, an employer who gives the RIGHT PAY is FIRST on our list and the most preferred by our Kasambahays. Our maids and yayas came to work after all so let's give them what they're due. The right pay should not be lower than the minimum wage of your region (https://nwpc.dole.gov.ph/stats/current-monthly-minimum-wage-for-domestic-workers/) and must include government benefits (SSS, Pag-Ibig and PhilHealth) and their 13th month.
Oh and if you're beloved maids and yayas have been with you for the longest, better consider giving them a raise! Read our blog on this at https://www.housemaids.ph/post/is-it-time-to-give-your-maids-and-yayas-a-salary-increase.
In summary, majority of our maids just want employers who are good-natured and who will treat them fairly. In our opinion, those who put in effort towards this, will benefit more because of a stable household for their family as a result.
"It is vain and useless to survey everything that goes on in the world if our study does not help us mend our ways." -Madeleine de Souvre, Marquise de Sable
Was this helpful? Want to know more regarding maids? Visit us at www.housemaids.ph for more information on hiring help in Metro Manila. Comment and let us know if you want us to tackle issues regarding Kasambahays!
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